[][src]Function sdl2::messagebox::show_message_box

pub fn show_message_box<'a, 'b, W, M>(
    flags: MessageBoxFlag,
    buttons: &'a [ButtonData],
    title: &str,
    message: &str,
    window: W,
    scheme: M
) -> Result<ClickedButton<'a>, ShowMessageError> where
    W: Into<Option<&'b Window>>,
    M: Into<Option<MessageBoxColorScheme>>, 

Show a customizable message box.

An array of buttons is required for it to work. The array can be empty, but it will have no button beside the close button.

On success, it will return either the button clicked or the close button. Note that the variant of the ClickedButton enum will also be returned if the message box has been forcefully closed (Alt-F4, ...)