[][src]Function sdl2_sys::SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode

pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(
    displayIndex: c_int,
    mode: *const SDL_DisplayMode,
    closest: *mut SDL_DisplayMode
) -> *mut SDL_DisplayMode

\brief Get the closest match to the requested display mode.

\param displayIndex The index of display from which mode should be queried. \param mode The desired display mode \param closest A pointer to a display mode to be filled in with the closest match of the available display modes.

\return The passed in value \c closest, or NULL if no matching video mode was available.

The available display modes are scanned, and \c closest is filled in with the closest mode matching the requested mode and returned. The mode format and refresh_rate default to the desktop mode if they are 0. The modes are scanned with size being first priority, format being second priority, and finally checking the refresh_rate. If all the available modes are too small, then NULL is returned.

\sa SDL_GetNumDisplayModes() \sa SDL_GetDisplayMode()