[][src]Function sdl2_sys::SDL_HapticUpdateEffect

pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_HapticUpdateEffect(
    haptic: *mut SDL_Haptic,
    effect: c_int,
    data: *mut SDL_HapticEffect
) -> c_int

\brief Updates the properties of an effect.

Can be used dynamically, although behavior when dynamically changing direction may be strange. Specifically the effect may reupload itself and start playing from the start. You cannot change the type either when running SDL_HapticUpdateEffect().

\param haptic Haptic device that has the effect. \param effect Identifier of the effect to update. \param data New effect properties to use. \return 0 on success or -1 on error.

\sa SDL_HapticNewEffect \sa SDL_HapticRunEffect \sa SDL_HapticDestroyEffect