[][src]Function sdl2_sys::SDL_WaitThread

pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_WaitThread(
    thread: *mut SDL_Thread,
    status: *mut c_int

Wait for a thread to finish. Threads that haven't been detached will remain (as a "zombie") until this function cleans them up. Not doing so is a resource leak.

Once a thread has been cleaned up through this function, the SDL_Thread that references it becomes invalid and should not be referenced again. As such, only one thread may call SDL_WaitThread() on another.

The return code for the thread function is placed in the area pointed to by \c status, if \c status is not NULL.

You may not wait on a thread that has been used in a call to SDL_DetachThread(). Use either that function or this one, but not both, or behavior is undefined.

It is safe to pass NULL to this function; it is a no-op.